Holly - the weekend
B: Musli w/ Rice Milk
Lunch: I was so proud of myself. Usually when we make a base run, the big deal is to eat tons of junk food when we get there. I brought a salad for myself and ate that while everyone else indulged.
I brought apples, carrots and cucumbers to snack on in the car and was quite satisfied.
Well, we fasted, but broke our fast around 6pm. Usually, this is quite a challenge for me too, because breaking our fast is usually a huge pigout for our family, but I had:
Salad, Rice, and a soy patty.
Later in the evening Robert was eating cereal, and then some ice cream. I finally broke down and ate two squares of dark chocolate - but still, for me, that wasn't too bad.
I am going to weigh myself tomorrow. Wish me luck!
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